Graduate Students
At UC Merced, students can apply to a single graduate program and do not apply directly to labs. We hope to have room for 1-2 new graduate students (regardless of program affiliation) per year.
The Thompson Lab participates in the following UC Merced graduate programs:
- Chemistry and Chemical Biology: The UC Merced graduate program in Chemistry and Chemical Biology is a research-based graduate program focused on interdisciplinary, cutting-edge research.
- Quantitative and Systems Biology: The Quantitative and Systems Biology (QSB) Graduate Program at UC Merced provides training in techniques and theory that bridge molecular and ecosystems scales, enabling the potential for integration across the life sciences. The program now offers degrees with elective concentrations in Molecular and Cellular Biology (including biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, and physiology) and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Inquiries about Postdoctoral positions should be emailed directly to Mike Thompson. Our lab welcomes applicants of any race, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, caregiver and family commitments, political affiliation, religion, and eligible age or ability. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining a supportive and collaborative lab environment. We encourage exploratory inquiries!
The lab doesn’t generally post for specific positions, so please reach out! We are interested in engaging you in a conversation about your scientific background and goals for your future career (in academia, industry, or other ventures). We strive to provide excellent training across a wide range of experimental and computational techniques.
Candidates will be encouraged to explore applying for extramural fellowships to support their research.
We are also interested in hosting other visitors who enrich our scientific environment and lab culture. This could include (but is not limited to) foreign exchange students, interns, sabbatical visitors from academia and industry, and post-bac technicians. We are open to other arrangements as well, so please contact us. As we expect people to be fairly compensated for their work by their home institution or by us, we do not have volunteer positions available.